Brokers and Bots: How AI in Commercial Real Estate is Changing Everything

27 August, 2024 / Bobby Samuels
3D model of a futuristic cityscape in blue, wireframe style, superimposed on a dark blue map

Ever felt like finding the right office space in New York City is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded? Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve seen countless business owners pull their hair out over this exact challenge. New York City isn’t exactly a small town, and every building here offers its own mix of pros and cons. Pinpointing the perfect match requires more than just a checklist.

Recently, AI in commercial real estate has been making headlines, promising to revolutionize our industry. And yes, I can acknowledge that many new technologies powered by it are speeding up certain aspects of my work. Yet, the heart of what I do remains deeply human. AI can crunch numbers, but it can’t read the room when touring a space with a client. It can’t tell you about the hidden café downstairs or warn you about the building’s temperamental heating system.

That’s why it takes a blend of high-tech efficiency and good old-fashioned people skills to succeed in this industry. And let me tell you, it’s making the hunt for your perfect space not just easier but, dare I say… kind of exciting.

AI in Lead Generation and Prospecting

Gone are the days when I’d drown in data trying to generate leads and prospects. Take this recent experience: I was working with a French furniture company looking for their first NYC showroom. The partners didn’t speak a word of English, but no problem – ChatGPT translated everything on the fly, even tackling those mind-numbing financial statements. And here’s something cool many don’t know: ChatGPT is a whiz with spreadsheets too, crunching numbers and reformatting data like nobody’s business. This tech helps me dig up the best spaces for clients and negotiate killer deals. Now, instead of being stuck in that endless hamster wheel, I can evaluate market trends and property values in seconds, spotting golden opportunities I’d have missed before. And while AI handles the number-crunching, I get to do what I love most: building real connections with people.

How AI Helps Me Communicate Better (and Faster) for Clients

Using ChatGPT to help with client emails has become a real time-saver in my work lately.

Here’s how it goes: I need to write up a property proposal or respond to a tricky client question. Instead of staring at a blank screen, I just tell ChatGPT the key points I want to cover. It whips up a draft, and I fine-tune from there.

The best part? What used to take me 30 minutes of writing and rewriting now takes maybe 10. It’s not perfect – I still need to review everything carefully and manually – but it gets the ball rolling much faster.

I’ve started using it for many of my client messages now. It helps me get my thoughts organized and catches things I might have missed. Plus, it’s great for those times when I know what I want to say but struggle to find the right words.

Don’t get me wrong – AI isn’t taking over the real work of being a broker. We’re still out there touring properties, negotiating deals, and building relationships. But for smoothing out the communication side of things (which is perhaps 50% of any broker’s job)? It’s become a pretty handy tool in my kit.

Legal Pitfalls and Ethical Considerations

While AI tools are undoubtedly powerful, they’re also raising a host of legal and ethical questions. Take AI-generated robocalls and automated messages, for instance. These seemed like a dream come true for reaching potential clients, but now they’re attracting criticism from regulators. The FCC is even considering new rules that would force businesses to disclose their use of AI in these communications.

And let’s remember the cautionary tales. Remember Keller Williams? They had to cough up a whopping $40 million to settle a lawsuit over unsolicited text messages. That’s the kind of expensive mistake that keeps brokers up at night.

So, what’s a savvy broker to do? While AI tools may seem like the next big thing, it’s important to think twice before handing over the keys. These flashy algorithms aren’t the all-knowing oracles they’re often made out to be. In reality, they’re more like eager interns – helpful for basic tasks, but prone to embarrassing blunders if left unsupervised. There’s a reason why I never enter confidential information into ChatGPT or any AI, recognizing the importance of protecting sensitive data and maintaining professional discretion.

Streamlining Operations with AI

As a broker, I used to spend way too much time buried in paperwork and spreadsheets. But these new AI tools? They handle all the tedious admin work in the background, which means I can get out there and really dig into the market. I’m talking about more property tours, deeper research into up-and-coming areas, and more time to focus on complex negotiations to get the most favorable deal for my clients. AI isn’t doing my job – it’s giving me the freedom to do what I do best: using my expertise to find the perfect fit for my clients. And you know what? While my clients don’t see any of this first hand, the result is a higher level of service.

Automating Data Management

A huge part of my job as a broker is combing through massive amounts of data and researching it and interpreting it for clients. Leases, listing, contracts, property reports – you name it. It’s tedious, time-consuming work that can make your eyes glaze over.

But lately, things have been changing thanks to AI by making sense of all those hard-to-read documents like 110 page leases, legal documents, and massive spreadsheets containing property data. Take also JLL’s partnership with Leverton, an AI company that specializes in handling leases. Their AI can plow through millions of documents in different languages, organizing lease info much faster than humans could. Doing so saves a ton of time and cuts down on mistakes that can happen with manual data entry.

AI also helps with more complex tasks. CBRE has a tool called the “AI playground” that lets their teams quickly analyze real estate data and documents. Brokers can even use it to translate documents on the spot and make faster, more informed decisions.

AI in Underwriting and Risk Assessment

It’s wild how fast AI in commercial real estate is shaking things up. Remember when underwriting meant drowning in paperwork? For those not in the know, underwriting is basically sizing up how risky and profitable a potential property deal might be. It’s all about crunching numbers from financial reports, checking out the building’s condition, and getting a feel for the market. Now, firms like Cushman & Wakefield use tools like Microsoft Azure to breeze through document parsing and data analysis. For further context, Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services, including AI and machine learning capabilities.

This new approach can save days of work. Instead of poring over lease agreements and financial statements, the AI can highlight key points and crunch numbers in hours. It can also catch anomalies that the human eye may miss, whether it’s a tenant’s unusual payment pattern or fraud.

This shift isn’t just about speed—it’s about depth, too. These AI systems are looking at market trends, tenant histories, and economic indicators all at once. It’s like having a tireless analyst working around the clock, offering insights we never had time to uncover before.

Future Trends in AI for Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate is on the verge of an AI revolution that will touch every aspect of the industry. Here are the top five cutting-edge trends that I believe deserve the most attention:

  • AI Arms Race: Brace for an era of fierce competition as brokerages vie for AI supremacy. Those who successfully integrate AI into their operations will lead the pack, setting new benchmarks for efficiency and client service.
  • Strategic Tech Partnerships: Watch brokerages forge alliances with specialized AI firms, creating an innovation ecosystem. These collaborations will birth highly personalized real estate tools that offer unique value propositions that could redefine industry standards.
  • Real-Time Market Adaptation Advanced algorithms will analyze vast datasets, providing real-time insights that empower brokers to make swift, informed decisions.
  • Hyper-Personalized Client Experiences: Get ready for a new level of client service where AI tailors every interaction. By analyzing preferences and behavior patterns, AI will enable brokers to offer highly personalized recommendations for better client relationships.
  • Human-AI Symbiosis: Witness the emergence of a new breed of real estate professionals. The future broker will be a master of blending AI-driven efficiency with irreplaceable human intuition, creating a powerful synergy that elevates the entire industry.

Final Thoughts About AI in Commercial Real Estate

After decades in this business, I’ve seen my fair share of trends come and go, but this AI thing? It’s a whole different ballgame.

I’ll admit, at first, I was skeptical. Could a computer really understand the nuances of our business? Now, I think the jury is out. Certainly AI can be an incredible time saver for the commercial real estate industry and real estate brokers in particular.

Look, AI’s not going to replace us, but it’s certainly going to shake things up. It’s like having a tireless digital assistant – brilliant at crunching numbers and spotting patterns, but clueless when it comes to reading a client’s poker face.

The real magic happens when we pair our street smarts with AI’s number-crunching. It’s like strapping a turbocharger to our toolkit. We’ll be able to dig deeper, move faster, and give our clients insights they never knew they needed.

Bottom line? The brokers who ride this AI wave are going to leave the competition in the dust. We’re talking about doing more deals, providing knockout service, and having time left over to actually enjoy that coffee before it gets cold. It’s not about working harder – it’s about working smarter and taking our game to a whole new level.


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